A place to breathe and live in the middle of the Val Pusteria valley

A portrait of the Oberhauserhof farm in Valdaora di Mezzo


Milk, wood and machines – these are the three things the Brunner family is passionate about. Young farmer Lukas lives with his partner Sarah and son Maximilian, as well as with his father Josef and brothers Stefan and Michael on the Oberhauserhof farm at 1,040 meters above sea level, surrounded by picturesque mountain peaks in the heart of the Val Pusteria valley.

For three generations the farm in Valdaora di Mezzo has been owned by the down-to-earth family of mountain farmers. Not far from the village center and yet in the middle of nature, each one of them enjoys his space. Lukas takes care of the barn, the calves and the 22 dairy cows. On the farm, he is his own boss and can schedule his work independently. In his work, he is supported by his son Maximilian. The little one's eyes glow with enthusiasm as soon as it comes to his favorite topic: the cows. Whether it's mucking out or feeding the animals, Maximilian is always full of energy, ready to lend a hand where needed.


For Lukas, it is the most beautiful thing when children have the chance to grow up on a farm and experience the freedom that exists there every day. Here they and also the other family members have room to breathe and live! His partner Sarah agrees: She grew up nearby, on the Niedristhof farm, and likes to visit her family and Maximilian's godfather Philipp when it is quieter on the farm and when she is not needed at the hotel where she works on the side - after all, the Niedristhof farm is only a stone's throw away. Apart from that, she can often be found in her own garden, where she keeps an eye on the different vegetables she grows there.


Most days, Josef is hard to miss with his large tractor and is on the road a lot, transporting wood in the surrounding area. Whether snow groomers or agricultural implements: Josef and his son Stefan share the fascination for machines both on the farm and outside of it and have already taken Maximilian under their wing to show him everything that is important.


Once the time for haymaking has come, everyone sticks together and helps to mow and store the hay in the hay barn to ensure that there is enough feed for the cows in winter.


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